Colorado Trip: traded skylines for mountain tops.

Sometimes, you don’t know you need an experience until you’re in the moment of it. When I found out we would be spending the majority of our Colorado trip in the mountains, I was skeptical. I used to go skiing, hiking and exploring a lot more when I was a kid. Now, I go maybe every 6 months, if that. This trip broke out a part of me that I haven’t really tapped into in a while.

We rented an Airbnb in Frasier, Colorado and traveled many winding, terrifying roads to get up there. I saw the Rocky Mountains and the Red Rocks for the first time, hiked, sat outside and watched shooting stars for hours. The only thing I could hear were birds chirping. No planes, honking horns or ambulance sirens to soothe me to sleep. It was exhilarating and relaxing all at the same time.


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